About People’s Market

We strive to work towards intersectional anti-racism, create space for food justice work, create meaningful collaborations, build equity, cultivate liberation, and ensure access to local food, art, and education. 

We’d love to have you join us!

The People’s Cooperative Market Vision Mission Values and Goals Statement 

Our Vision 

We envision a market community driven by a set of values (listed below) that reflect the highest aspirations for equitable inclusiveness in significant and meaningful ways. Cultivating a sense of belonging for all who share these values is a main objective. We strive to work towards intersectional anti-racism, create space for food justice work, create meaningful collaborations, build equity, cultivate liberation, and ensure access to local food, art, and education. 

Our Mission 

Create spaces that remain: 

  • Welcoming, inclusive, and accessible

  • Led and directed by farmers and vendors and people from marginalized communities.

  • Supportive of local farmers and small business vendors

  • An educational and cultural hub

  • A source of awareness of the work we need to continue to do

Our Values 

  • Democracy Building Toward Consensus -whenever possible we work for consensus.

  • Equitable Access to Locally Grown Food -is a right all should have. We strive to bring that to our community.

  • Support for Underserved and Low-Income Communities -in local food access through SNAP and other accessibility measures.

  • Working Toward Anti-Racism -in our planning, in the Market, and in our community.

  • Restorative Justice Practices -when conflict arises we move towards understanding.

  • Seeking Diversity and Inclusion -because the more diverse the voices at the table are, the more inclusive of new ideas and new ways of being and doing we can be. 

  • Cooperative Economics - we are joined with the community and all of us are the producers and consumers of our market products.

  • Collective Values -because we believe in compassion, dignity, and respect for all people. 

  • Meaningful Collaboration - with like-minded groups or organizations especially those that support marginalized people. 

  • Earnest Dialogue -using active listening to move towards lifting up the voices of marginalized people within our group, market, and community.

  • Solidarity -with marginalized people, especially those who feel unsafe in the city market. 

Our Goals 

  • Create spaces where vendors can sell a variety of locally-produced products in an inclusive atmosphere

  • Market sellers participate in managing the market and decide rules for vending

  • Diverse people from underserved and marginalized communities lead, direct, and partake in the decision making concerning the market.

  • A growing, measurable number of diverse, underserved, and marginalized people engage in the market services, and have ownership in the space of the market

  • A marked increase in engagement from a diverse group of people from marginalized communities selling at the market with a vested voice in its management and other ventures

  • A feeling of well-being and welcome for underserved and at-risk communities accessing the programs the market provides

  • Working towards cooperative economics in our local community’s economy